Spacing of Recessed Lights in Rectangular Family Room

How to Layout Recessed Lighting in 5 Elementary Steps

how to layout recessed lighting

In preparation for your recessed lighting project, you volition need to determine how to layout your recessed lighting before you begin. Agreement the layout will likewise help you lot to store for recessed lighting fixtures and develop an installation game programme.

When determining how to layout recessed lighting, a skillful guideline is to place a minimum of ane calorie-free for every 25 square feet of living infinite. This is only a basic guideline and every awarding may differ slightly based upon what you are trying to accomplish in the infinite and whether the room is irregular in shape.

When y'all are finished reading about how to layout recessed lighting, take a wait at our recommended recessed lighting fixtures before you brand your buy.  You will be surprised at how inexpensive they are.

how to layout recessed lighting

How to Layout Recessed Lighting in 5 Simple Steps

  1. Make up one's mind the purpose for your recessed lighting
  2. Identify the area that you need to light
  3. Make up one's mind on which recessed lights you will apply
  4. Calculate the number of recessed lights needed
  5. Determine the layout of your Recessed lighting

Purpose for Recessed Lighting

  • Recessed Emphasis lighting
  • Recessed Task lighting
  • Recessed Ambient or General Lighting

Recessed Accent Lighting – You will use recessed emphasis lighting when yous are trying to highlight something in detail. For case, you may accept a unique painting on the wall which you lot would like to characteristic. I too run across fireplaces with recessed lighting pointed at the curtain. These are merely a couple of examples of when you would employ recessed lighting to add emphasis. In the photo below, you lot tin see that the ii recessed lighting fixtures have just one purpose and that is to emphasis the fireplace. This is why the recessed lighting layout for this room is different.

recessed lighting

Recessed Chore Lighting – You volition use recessed task lighting when you are trying to provide light over a work area. For example, your recessed lighting will be considered to be task lighting when trying to light a kitchen island . There, y'all will demand lots of light for chopping vegetables, preparing food or even doing paperwork in that popular central location. Our article on the topic will assistance to provide some of those insights.

You may as well use recessed task lighting over a piano in your living room or over a recliner where you will often read. Another example would be one lite above a modest bathroom vanity where y'all may need light to apply makeup . Our guide should give you lot some ideas.

piano light

Recessed Ambient or General Lighting – You volition employ recessed ambient lighting when you are trying to provide general lighting in a room without accenting anything in detail or for a specific purpose. This is what most of the recessed lighting layout and designs will be used for. I am talking about providing a nice consistent lite throughout the entire room.

Place the Area That You Need to Light

When determining the area that you need to light with recessed lighting, it is not just the dimensions of the room. Yes, one of the beginning things that yous do is measure. What I am referring to is whether y'all are using recessed lighting for task, emphasis or general lighting in the room first. So, is at that place something about the room that needs to be considered?

Is your room used for more than one purpose and do you accept areas of your room that may demand to be lit differently? The perfect instance of this is the kitchen. Yous may have the area where your sink, isle, stove and refrigerator are then besides a different surface area where you have your table. You may need to place the lights strategically based upon those needs which is why yous need to identify the area that you need to light before moving onto the side by side step.

In the image below, you can see examples of where you may strategically place the recessed lighting fixtures (yellowish) based upon the period of your kitchen. The red dots show where you may have additional task recessed lights that could fifty-fifty be a dissimilar size or these tin as well be pendants.

kitchen recessed lighting layout

Decide on Which Recessed Lights You Will Use

The decision on which recessed lights you want to utilise will play a small part on how to layout recessed lighting in your room. If yous plan to use smaller lights which may give off fewer lumens, then y'all may end upwards having to utilize more of them and space them closer together. If you lot are using larger 5-half dozen inch recessed lighting fixtures that are very brilliant, and so you can space them farther apart and utilise fewer of them.

The other thing to consider is factoring in the size of your room, the total number of lights needed based upon your calculation below, and also the total watts y'all volition need to manage through your switch or dimmer. I always recommend using an LED dimmer with all recessed lighting applications. Each dimmer will accept a maximum watt capacity.

For smaller rooms, you should not have anything to be concerned nigh. Still, if y'all programme to light an entire basement with many lights and so the lite decision will matter.

Click to meet our recommended recessed lighting fixtures In that location are always special deals being offered.

Calculate the Number of Recessed lights needed

Permit'southward assume that you lot are trying to layout recessed lighting for general or ambient lighting in a room with even light distribution. When determining how to layout recessed lighting for even light distribution, a proficient guideline is to average a minimum of one light for every 25 square feet of living space. For case, if your room is 12ft x 12ft (144 square feet), you lot will likely need a minimum of 6 recessed lights (144 ÷ 25 = 5.76). See picture below

recessed lighting layout

Keep in mind that this is a general guideline for ambient lighting. If y'all have a unique room layout or if it is a kitchen or a bath, you may need more or less lights. This is where the strategic layout of recessed lighting versus an even layout of recessed lighting is preferred.

Y'all may need one over your cooktop expanse. One over your sink if y'all are not using a pendant. Lights over your island and kitchen table area and then the rest to fill up in where needed. This is detailed in the photograph above.

To repeat what I said a moment agone about the dimmer, make sure yous figure out the total watts needed for your recessed lighting project and whether the dimmer tin can handle it.

Determine the layout of your Recessed lighting

At present that y'all take done all of the inquiry above, you tin can work on how to layout recessed lighting in your room. This process volition be for your general ambient lighting application although some of these components apply to all.

Ane last matter you demand to do before determining the layout of your recessed lighting is to find the ceiling joists. This is an frequently overlooked step that can result in a minor habitation improvement disaster. You must first mark where your ceiling joists are and from at that place, you lot will have to adjust your layout to brand sure the light fixtures can fit in between them. This will besides help you to sympathise how and where to run the wiring during installation. This is critical.

A basic concept to follow is to keep the outer lite fixtures at least 3 feet from the wall. This is a good distance to provide even light to the outer edges of the room without lighting upward the wall so much that y'all can encounter every imperfection.

I similar to outset by marking the where the fixtures will go in each corner by placing a mark 3 feet from each wall as detailed in the diagram below. You may need to adjust slightly based upon where the ceiling joists are.

corner spacing recessed lighting

Now that you have the corners set up, you need to fill by spacing out the recessed lighting fixtures. When it comes to spacing recessed lighting autonomously, manufacture standard is to divide the ceiling height in half and then employ that number every bit your spacing guide. If you were to follow this, and so lights for an 8 foot ceiling would be spaced 4 feet apart. Lights for a 10 foot ceiling would be spaced five feet apart, etc etc.

I am not fully on board with that method, but I am okay if you use it. There are other factors that would have an impact on this. I mentioned the size of recessed calorie-free fixtures and the number of lumens they put out. The other cistron is whether the recessed lighting fixture is recessed upwards into the fixture or whether it is flush to the ceiling.

You tin meet the departure below in the side by side photo. The one that is recessed up into the fixture on the left will have limited power to spread calorie-free beyond the room. The i on the light is more than flush and will accept a wider angle. This should exist considered when spacing them.

recessed lights

In a recent recessed lighting project at home, I spaced some of the lights as far as 7 feet from each other. This means that each fixture would need to really only provide lighting 3 ½ feet coming together the other fixture half way. This is hands managed past any flush mount LED recessed lighting fixture. I tin tell y'all that the room is lit perfectly with this spacing.

In a finished basement with a total of 230 square feet and vii human foot ceilings, there are 8 recessed lights roofing an average of 28.75 square feet each. They are spaced anywhere from 4.5ft – five.5ft from each other and likewise provide more than adequate light coverage. Specially when you consider that the ceiling is a foot lower than the standard 8 feet.

If y'all accept not selected your recessed lighting still and would like to potentially relieve money, then accept a await at our recommended recessed lighting fixtures.


The virtually important function of any project is planning, and lighting projects are no different. When determining how to layout recessed lighting, only follow the steps above. Mensurate oftentimes, mark where the ceiling joists are and and then use the guidance provide in a higher place plus some common sense based upon your unique situation.

If you have whatsoever questions about how to layout recessed lighting, leave a comment below and I volition respond speedily.

Related Questions

How far should recessed lighting exist from kitchen cabinets?
Recessed lighting should be roughly 2 feet from the cabinets. Recessed lighting in the kitchen serves multiple functions and providing low-cal over your counters which are directly below the cabinets is important. This is why recessed lights are placed closer to your cabinets than they are to a wall.

How many recessed lights can you put on a xv amp excursion?
Each 15 amp circuit tin handle 1800 watts. But divide the number of watts your recessed lighting fixtures require into 1800 and that will tell yous how many recessed lights can be put on a fifteen amp excursion. If yous are installing LED lights, then the circuit can handle more than you lot will need. What you should check into is what else may exist on that circuit.

Tin you put recessed lights between floors?
Recessed lights can exist installed between floors but yous volition need shallow depth, air tight IC rated fixtures.  The shallow recessed lighting fixtures will fit in the space between the floors and IC rated ways they will not overheat if exposed to insulation.

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