Sunlight activated bottle design for UV Vodka

Photochromatic Bittle design for UV Vodka. Photo UV and Cubist vodka bottles from Phillips Distilling Company. Photo Phillips Distilling Company

Phillips Distilling Visitor has introduced a serial of packaging innovations to lure the modern spirits drinker. These include photochromic bottle design for UV Vodka, thermochromic characterization engineering science for Cubist, remodeling of its corporate website and QR codes for advertising. AIPIA likewise reschedules its Supply Chain Congress to 16 Nov 2021.

Phillips Distilling Company, a US enterprise in flavors and spirits innovation has announced its largest consumer repositioning endeavour in the company's over 100-yr history, with a series of packaging innovations and a new production launch intended for today'southward modern spirits drinker, it says.

UV Vodka volition get a fresh new look with the launch of a new photochromic canteen design that activates a brilliant spectrum of colors when exposed to UV sunlight. A new tagline " Bring the Ligh t," is the brand'southward first campaign focusing on edifice a deeper land of listen between the UV name and its connection with sunlight.

When exposed to light, photochromic wave designs appear on the neck of the bottle and continue throughout the master characterization. When the bottle is removed from the lite the new blackness UVR logo remains while the colors disappear. Co-ordinate to CTI enquiry, sunlight-activated ink drives purchase intent for 64% of consumers.

Another exciting development is the introduction of Cubist,  a first in the category " Freezer Vodka ". It volition test the market in Minnesota and Arizona in 2022 with an expanded launch in 2022. Consumer insights show that vodka drinkers adopt vodka water ice common cold and many store it in their freezer to serve at a more desirable temperature. Phillips is the first distillery to create a vodka that is specifically designed to store in the freezer. When the vodka is at its most perfect temperature — at or below zippo degrees Celsius — the thermochromic engineering activates the canteen to plow blue which notifies the drinker it'southward ready.

UV and Cubist vodka bottles from Phillips Distilling Company. Photo AIPIA

QR codes on advert and signal-of-sale materials will link to a video that demonstrates how the label transitions in the freezer along with additional product information. According to Phillips' research, 75% of consumers believe Cubist is unique from other vodkas.

The company has likewise appear the launch of its new corporate website. The fully revamped and remodeled site provides a modern and contemporary brand forward feel that is simple and easy for end-users to navigate when searching data, according to the company.

"Phillips Distilling Visitor has a long history in innovation," said Andy England, Phillips Distilling chief executive officer. "Our groundbreaking launch of Cubist is the commencement of many revolutionary exam concepts we programme on introducing to the world. We also plan to launch 3 new brands into lead markets side by side year that will fuel our company'south growth trajectory and deepen our relationships with distributor and retail partners."

AIPIA to create congress on smart packaging in the digital age

Following consultation with its members, AIPIA has taken the decision to move the online Supply Chain Congress, scheduled for 7 October to co-locate with the Digitization, Connected Packaging and Sustainability event on sixteen November. The supply chain element will run as a distinct stream, only admission will be available to all delegates registered on the twenty-four hours. As well, those booked on the supply chain stream can admission the other presentations, making it a more holistic event.

"Nosotros are finding more and more than that people are struggling to make the time commitments now demanded to participate in a lot of carve up online events. So we accept decided to revert to the formula used at our successful 'alive' events in Amsterdam and offer a single upshot, just with separate themes roofing specialized topics," explained AIPIA managing director Eef de Ferrante.

" AIPIA has found many companies cannot commit resources to separate dates. Likewise, potential delegates are reluctant to commit to two days and two fees, even when both topics are of interest. So it was clear that combining the events was the best selection. Moving the Supply Concatenation Congress gives u.s. more than time to fill out that stream, possibly fifty-fifty with a make challenge and another retailer/make owner forum, and revert to our traditional time slot in November," he added.

A challenge for challenging times

1 result of this motility is that a major brand possessor is considering to offer one of AIPIA's unique brand challenges, where members can pitch their Smart Packaging solutions at a particular project or 'hurting point' identified by the brand. These are lively and very dynamic occasions, even in an online format, as solutions providers become just iii minutes to make their pitch!

"As delegates registered for both the Supply Chain Congress and Digitization Congress will take total admission to all presentations in November, this offers better value and, nosotros promise, a run a risk to see even more of the latest developments in Smart Packaging," said De Ferrante

This article was originally published on AIPIA.

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